
It is a word that originates from the perspective of WILL.

Will is the urge for someone to do or not do something.

When one is willing to do something there will be no need to put effort into seeing their actions and success in achieving something.

It will be self approved and self employed, the conscience in this case will prove that the person is positive towards anything that they want to commit to.

In another case,conscience puts a person into two different world; one has to pick between willingness and unwillingness.

If you happen to be willing towards every absolute cause,then I don’t think if success will ever stay away from you.

On the contrary, if you happen to be for unwillingness then success won’t be knocking by your door easily.

Hence,conscience is just and should help us get better and successful everyday.

Train it to be willingly willing🥀 .


Published by worldwithoutperfection

I believe that when one is able to live and accept how they are,the better they will have easy ways to relate and live with and among people.😀

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