The Judicial Parts of Life

Life is a tough thing to define because it has rules that making it a success needs a judicial kind of definition and approach. Without rules and procedures in a person’s life,automatically there will be a force of failure dragging and pulling them down. Drawing and creating rules to guide and lead one into achievingContinue reading “The Judicial Parts of Life”

Allowing your steps reach the impossible.

Going through different faces in life helps a person learn a lot that they never knew as children or when growing up. Being a child is the safest thing in the world,because you simply have people who are helping you watch your steps. Once you grow up and become the watcher of yourself, life becomesContinue reading “Allowing your steps reach the impossible.”

Lesser Not Needing People

The good soul ,mind and humane left would find it difficult to survive and live in the society today. You look around and live around contemporary world but it turns out,nothing is possible without dark surroundings with little light 🚦 to be shed. You begin to wonder but the answers become bare and rare. SoContinue reading “Lesser Not Needing People”

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